What are the opening hours for Robinsons Visitors Centre?
Our opening and closing times are detailed here. Function bookings outside of these hours are invited and can be arranged to suit your individual needs. For bespoke bookings please call 0161 612 4100 or complete our online enquiry form.
Accessibility & Facilities
We welcome all visitors to enjoy our Visitors Centre experience and have endeavoured, where possible, to ensure that our facilities are accessible.
Induction Loops are available. Please ask at the front reception and switch Hearing Aids to the ‘T’ position to use this facility.
Fully accessible toilets and baby changing areas are also available.
Facilities are available for wheelchair access in the Visitors Centre.
Are the Museum and Conference spaces suitable for wheelchairs?
There is wheelchair access in the main entrance to the Visitors Centre and to the Old Tom Room, which is used for conferences.
Is there car parking available?
Yes, the nearest parking is right across the road! Spaces are limited and subject to availability, and some spaces are available for mobility-impaired visitors only. However, should our car park be full, there is a pay & display car park next to the church which is just around the corner. There are also on-street car parking spots up and down Hillgate.
How old is the building?
Robinsons has been here in the heart of Stockport more than 185 years. The old Unicorn Inn was built on Lower Hillgate in 1722 but the Robinsons story begins on 29th September 1838 when William Robinson purchased the inn from Samuel Hole. The current building – the shell of the brewery – was built for the second brew house between 1925 and 1935 and just like our new brew house, that one was built to last. We’ve only recently stopped using it. Our current brew house was installed in 2012 but you’ll be able to see a lot of the components of the old brew house still in place, alongside the new.